When it comes to social media prospecting techniques for network marketing there are some basics we need to cover first. It is common to get all excited about joining an opportunity and want to share your new business with everyone you know. This doesn t really work very well. Usually you simply end up alienating people. What you want to do is to follow this short outlined as described here: Instead of calling the people you know and telling them all about your company, spend time finding out about their life. Use FORM that s family, occupation, recreation and money. In your conversation, ask them questions about time with the family, how their job or business is going, what vacations they have planned and how they re preparing for their financial future. As you ask these questions, listen for areas that are causing stress working too many hours, not spending enough time with the family, the possibility of a lay-off, no time or money for vacations, no savings or extra money for invest
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