Iaso Tea - The Best Tea for Weight Loss
I know that talking about colon health is not considered a "polite" subject, but I am so enthusiastic about the Total Life Changes Iaso Tea that I am going there anyway!
Before I tell you what Iaso tea can do for you, let me tell you what it is. Iaso tea consists of a special blend of safe, natural, edible fruits and herbs: Papaya, Ginger, Chamomile, Myrrh, Holy Thistle, Persimmon leaves, Marsh Mallow, Blessed Thistle and Malva Leaves.
This special blend of herbs was formulated so that with continued use you can gently cleanse your whole body. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is based primarily on processed and pasteurized foods that have killed all the enzymes our bodies need to properly digest food and eliminate waste. The result of all of this is poor colon health. What many people don't realize is that if you are not having two or three healthy bowel movements a day, you have colon health problems. Furthermore, poor digestive and colon health effects the health of your entire body.
So, you may be asking how does this relate to Iaso tea...otherwise known as the best tea for weight loss? Well, the Total Life Changes products have been formulated to help you lose weight quickly, rid your body of toxins and parasites, and to help you reclaim a healthier, slimmer and more vibrant you. These products have been shown to also lower cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation in the body. Here are my results and I am pleased to be sharing them with you!
Total Life Changes Diet Results |
If you are like most people who eat the SAD meal plan, you probably suffer from constipation, bloating, acid reflux and indigestion. You may even experience kidney, liver or lung problems and/or have bouts with candida and infections.
Unbeknown to most, everyone gets parasites at some point in their life. If you don't do a cleanse every year, you are probably assured to have them now. Parasites can live in our blood or any organ. They multiply quickly in our intestines and then spread throughout the body, affecting our overall health and well-being.
When the colon and small intestines are cleansed, they can work more efficiently to absorb nutrients. At the same time, the burden to your gall bladder, liver, kidneys, lungs and brain are greatly reduced. After all, we are what we eat...but, more importantly, we are what we digest!
That is why Iaso is called the best tea for weight loss. When we are on a diet that also cleanses our body we are in a win-win situation! The Total Life Changes Diet Plan calls for us to limit our caloric intake to 500 calories a day. The Hcg drops (one of the Total Life Changes products) work with the Iaso tea to target the fat storage in our body. The result is that you lose about a pound a day, eliminate toxic waste and parasites and start to experience the vibrant health of your youth!
The best tea for weight loss...Iaso tea...is accompanied by another great beverage that made it a lot easier for me to reach my goal weight. That is the best Ganoderma coffee on the market. A rich blend of Sumatran coffee, Green Coffee Bean, Garcinia Cambodia, Pure Ganoderma Extract, Natural Caffeine, Advantra Z makes this coffee the perfect drink for when your get up and go, got up and went!
Besides providing a natural boost, it is considered a superfood! Ancient people called it the "Food of the Gods" because this delicious coffee also boosts your immune system providing you with the ability to resist infections and viral diseases.
Even though I have reached my ideal weight and I am keeping it off too, I still drink Iaso tea and Ganoderma coffee. I don't ever want to go back to where I was...sick, fat and feeling unhappy about myself. The Total Life Changes Diet plan taught me how to eat well...fruits, nuts, vegetables...and gave me access to the best tea for weight loss and continued health!
Why not check it out for yourself...you have nothing to lose, but your excess weight, toxins and some nasty parasites!
BTW, did I mention that the best tea for weight loss tastes great too?!
I will let you decide and provide you with a free weight loss consultation with no strings attached...just good information that you can take to the bank. Contact me directly or click here to learn more about Iaso tea and how to prepare your dietary tea.
For more information on ganoderma coffee and the TLC diet plan are contained within these articles: